Our principal, Al Ordonez, relays how he got started in the business of financial services and what drives his passion.
When I was a teenager, I worked in various jobs and was eventually able to save up my first $1,000. I decided this small fortune, the result of hundreds of hours of labor, should be invested in something wisely that would grow over time. Over the next several months, I began to research the best options of where and how to invest my “life savings”. Eventually, I decided to purchase a mutual fund, which turned out to be a wise choice.
After the time I spent researching and deciding on the best options for my life savings, I realized that I really enjoyed the entire process of researching managers and analyzing the financial markets.
“That's when the lightbulb went off in my head.”
THIS is what I was passionate about. THIS is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. By pursuing this dream of helping people to manage their life savings and working toward being a respected and trusted Adviser within the financial services industry, I have been able to fulfill my childhood dream.
As a Financial Adviser, Al is committed to building on his strengths of integrity and honesty. As a sought-after public speaker, he is also highly regarded for his knowledge within the industry as well as his ability to communicate complex topics into an easy to understand matter. He lives, works and supports his local community and has done so for over 30 years.